Match ABC’s 

Fun way to make learning interesting for kids is by introducing innovative activities in their schedule. Kids often get distracted and get bored easily while making them learn . Here is the simple way of involving  mom and kid while learning alphabets. SUPPLIES NEEDED:- Magnetic Board Marker Magnetic Letters

3 day quote challenge : day 3 

   This is my 3 rd and final quote of the 3 day quote challenge nominated by Anamika who blogs at The Bespectacled Mother. It was nice to be a part of such a nice challenge.. Thank you Rules:- Post one of your favorite quotes(different quote on each day) on three consecutive days. The quote can…

3 day quote challenge -day 2

Day 2 of 3 day quote challenge by Anamika from The bespectacled mother Rules for this challenge – Post one of your favorite quotes(different quote on each day) on three consecutive days. The quote can be from your favorite book, author, or your own. Nominate three bloggers to challenge them. Thank the blogger, who nominated you. Quote…

3 day quote challenge – day 1

My blogger friend Anamika from  The bespectacled mother nominated me for 3 day quote challenge,  thank you dear for such an interesting challenge.  Rules for this challenge – Post one of your favorite quotes(different quote on each day) on three consecutive days. The quote can be from your favorite book, author, or your own. Nominate three…

Tips to choose a right Pre School

Sending kids to preschool is very important as they learn a lot from it. Preschooling generally starts at the age of 3 yrs.  This will be the  child first experience away from the home and parents and so choosing the right preschool for your child is very important as this will form the foundation for…

Hugh photo challenge: week 12:Lingochaa 

I love this game called LINGOCHAA a lot.  I played this game even after my engineering  in front of our house along with my other friends. We were so addicted to this game that we would literally wait for the clock to click 5 o clock so that all can play. It is basically a…