Match ABC’sĀ 

Fun way to make learning interesting for kids is by introducing innovative activities in their schedule.

Kids often get distracted and get bored easily while making them learn .

Here is the simple way of involving  mom and kid while learning alphabets.


  • Magnetic Board
  • Marker
  • Magnetic Letters


  •   Write all the letters from A to Z and 0 to 9  on the board in bold.
  •   Put all the letters in a basket and ask the kid to take one letter at a time.
  •   The kid must identify the magnetic letter and has to find the corresponding letter on the board.
  • The kid must stick the letter to the corresponding letter on the board.

Make sure you too join in this activity by keeping the alphabets with  the kids. And sometimes keep them purposely at a different alphabet , let them identify it is wrong to keep there..and then they themselves will keep the alphabets at their correct places.

What do kids learn from this activity :-

  • Kids will be able to differentiate different letters and  match them accordingly.

11 thoughts on “Match ABC’sĀ 

  1. Pingback: WPC: Alphabet (Side street 1) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

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